Our IT consultants are actively involved in our clients business. We put our clients needs first, regardless of whether they have strategic resource needs for strengthening their organisation or a specific project with demands for qualified IT personnel.
Our Consultants provide unique networking skills. We work closely with our clients to get a better understanding of each company’s unique needs, circumstances and preferences. With many years experience in the IT industry, we have an ability to work flexibly, proactively and efficiently. Our consultants have worked with and been responsible for advanced IT environments in large international companies. That leaves us with extensive experience in the procedures needed in order to deliver on a global level.
One of our employees, Olegs, describes his experiences as new employee:
"At first, I was hesitant on taking a job working as a consultant as I didn´t have the relevant customer-centric experience. I was afraid that I, as a consultant, would get rather dull and routine work assignments while the customer´s employees would take on more stimulating and fun tasks. Luckily, my expectations were proven wrong. I was very well welcomed both by ELITS and by the customer. The customer tailored an introduction program for me, with the first weeks focus on learning all the new tools and methods, before involving me in “real everyday work.”
My ELITS mentor was also a great support to me during my first months at the customer, helping me to understand the established ways of working in the team I am supposed to be involved with. Apart from that, I also had all the necessary support from my ELITS manager and ELITS HR manager, whenever I had any work-related concerns or questions, getting lightning-fast responses to all my inquiries.
I appreciate the open, welcoming, and friendly atmosphere at ELITS. As for the customer attitude towards consultants, I owe to ELITS and other ELITSians working on customer sites that have established themselves as trusted and success-delivering partners. Customers tend to treat our consultants with respect, while having high expectations from us, but that adds a necessary challenge to everything we are doing for customer success."
What we look for.
Want to impress throughout the hiring process? Check out the strengths we look for in our candidates.